Check Total Dismissed Active Translated
Starting newline 78 0 78 11
Starting spaces 1,031 0 1,031 22
Double space 960 7 953 838
Consecutive duplicated words 208 21 187 95
Ellipsis 428 0 428 428
Mismatched colon 495 6 489 58
Mismatched ellipsis 3 1 2 2
Mismatched exclamation mark 21 3 18 5
Trailing newline 595 0 595 405
Mismatched question mark 38 0 38 5
Mismatched semicolon 32 5 27 8
Trailing space 2,485 0 2,485 127
Mismatched full stop 1,955 39 1,916 285
Mismatched \n 4 0 4 0
Inconsistent 401 23 378 252
Long untranslated 739 0 739 739
Multiple failing checks 15,524 25 15,499 15,499
Mismatching line breaks 1,044 50 994 588
Unpluralised 88 0 88 88
Punctuation spacing 1 1 0 0
Unchanged translation 29,523 7,197 22,326 18,540
Has been translated 16,293 365 15,928 1
XML syntax 492 56 436 325
XML markup 2,052 247 1,805 1,494
Zero-width space 304 0 304 211


Customizable quality checks will help you improve the quality of translations.

The checks can help you identify problematic translations or source strings which are hard to translate.